— left handed typing since 2001

Magnifying glass for search box

Observation 30.04.2007

When the oldest entry on the frontpage of your blog is more than two months old, it means that the frequency with which you blog is pretty low.

I know, I have a sharp mind (:

There's a lot of other stuff I don't do much these days, so a big apology to everybody sitting in my inbox, waiting for an answer. If you still haven't heard from me in a week, wait longer.


Kristian | web | @ / 13:59 / 30th of april / 2007

Jeg lider af samme problem. Løsning: Vis færre indlæg på forsiden, seføli!

Jonas | web / 19:49 / 30th of april / 2007

Eller skriv en håndfuld indholdsløse indlæg, som jeg netop har gjort. My work here is done!

jdreng | web | @ / 0:34 / 2nd of may / 2007

Ironisk er det, at det liv, der jo netop giver en noget at skrive om, er det, der forhindrer en i at skrive noget, fordi man har travlt med det.

Jonas | web / 1:44 / 2nd of may / 2007

I sandhed ironi, men den mere behagelige af slagsen, skulle jeg mene.

› Bio (sort of)

Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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