— left handed typing since 2001

Magnifying glass for search box

No www in my address 28.12.2001

I believe some people tend to hype the possibilities the internet brings us, and who are 'us' anyway? The irony in the 'world wide' bit of www is sadening, just look at these statistics from Have a look at the differences in these numbers - take for example Germany and the Philippines. They have approx. the same population, but while Germany have 123 ISPs the Philippines have only 23. Denmark, where I am from, has around 13 ISPs serving the 1.6 million plugged inhabitants. Thailand has only 15 ISPs serving 4.6 million plugged inhabitants. So next time you have any hassles with your ISP, just think of the netizens of Thailand, man, they must be really patient people.

Now don't get me wrong I am all for the democratizing effect of the web, but it seems like it is mostly a situation of democratizing the already democratized. I wished that everybody could be plugged like that [snaps fingers], but then again, being plugged in is probably not your biggest concern when you've got no food. Let's worry about the web when people are not hungry anymore, and when they have access to electricity. Maybe they don't even want to get online? Maybe the western world should stop cutting back on foreign aid? Maybe I need to go to bed?

Listening to Buschemi - Our girl in Havana.

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Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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