— left handed typing since 2001

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Man skulle have været korsridder 28.01.2005

Jeg læser en bog fra 1982 der bl.a. berører korstogene i middelalderen, og faldt over et lille afsnit, der med et bestemt ords nutidige betydning, stiller korsridderne i et helt nyt lys:

And the rewards were the same as they were for Crusaders in the Holy Land — remission of all sins, an expiation of penances, an assured place in Heaven, and all the booty one could plunder.

Måske sagde de også biaatch?


Kristian | web | @ / 2:25 / 29th of january / 2005

De kom i hvert fald rimelig sikkert hjem med en masse bling-bling. Og husk:

"He don't have no problem with you blinging. God's heavenly abode proves that he is the real king of bling. His gates are pearly, his house is about 10 stadiums big, the streets are gold. You do the budget on that kind of place."

(fra her)

Jonas | web / 14:49 / 31st of january / 2005

Kristian, du har i sandhed nogle fine links i gemmeren, hvor finder du det henne?

thomas | web / 18:17 / 31st of january / 2005


› Bio (sort of)

Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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