— left handed typing since 2001

Magnifying glass for search box

Sticky links, 25th of November 2007 25.11.2007

  • If you want to link to the Danish website of Cartoon Networks, you have to read all this legalese. Something's outta wack on their side
  • Did I tell you about DJs Anonymous? No? My bad. DJ sets for download, might result in happy people dancing on tables. I am not liable for that in any way, shape, or form. I recommend Alex Moultons set as a starter
  • Douglass Merrill's Search 101 on Google Video. It's good, if you can get yourself past his intrinsic cockyness
  • Flock seems really nice now that it has passed the 1.0 mark. It's still slow as molasses on my 1st gen. 12" PowerBook though


Kristian | web | @ / 22:09 / 26th of november / 2007

Yuo == teh f4il!

Du må kun lave et hypertekstlink ved at bruge navnet ”Cartoon Network”

Du kan se frem til et søgsmål fra CN ganske snart.

Jonas | web / 1:15 / 27th of november / 2007

OH NOES! I'z in teh sjithows naoh...

Jonas | web / 1:17 / 27th of november / 2007

Haha, jeg læste det lige igen, det er altså hysteriskt morsomt formuleret.

Uden begrænsning af det foranstående, må linket ikke bruges på en sådan måde, at det giver brugere adgang til Cartoon Networks site via caching, framing, layering eller andre teknikker, som kan lave en mellemkopi af Din Hjemmeside (eller dele heraf) på en måde, der ikke var tilsigtet af Cartoon Network [...]

Mellemkopi? wtf?

David Blangstrup | web / 22:35 / 29th of november / 2007

Lang tid siden du har været hjemme i Danmark? Vi bruger alle mellemkopier nu. ;)

Jonas | web / 22:44 / 29th of november / 2007

Haha, David, du er sjov (:

› Bio (sort of)

Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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