— left handed typing since 2001

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Top 3 signs that your mobile phone is new 23.11.2007

  1. You have to teach it all the naughty words again, including: bastard, bitch, and feck
  2. The number of times you change ringtone is directly proportionate to the amount of memory of you handset
  3. If changing brand as well as handset, you might experience a rise in the use OF CAPS LOCK IN TXTS DUE TO DIFFERENT T9 FUNCTIONS


Pedro Dias | web | @ / 18:11 / 23rd of november / 2007

Hahaha, sweet... Also I've seen many people that keep the plastic film on the screen for ages, until it's really dirty and ugly :P

Jonas | web / 15:12 / 25th of november / 2007

Yeh, I've noticed that as well, doesn't make sense to me, but then again, a lot of stuff doesn't make sense to me (:

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Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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