— left handed typing since 2001

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The story so far 06.06.2003

Time for the forewarned entry in English.

This site used to be all English [just check the quasi recreated archives], then it got infested with postings in Danish. After a while of this infection, somebody hacked the beejaysus out of it, and now it's all Danish. Until now. This is the beginning [or the return, if you like that angle better] of my bilingual adventures in blogland.

Being hacked [or cracked] is not something I would recommend to anybody, especially if you don't do backups, like myself. I was lucky though, as the danish blogbot-meister was kind enough to mail me the last 3 months of partial entries on my blog, and Jacob from school had ripped the complete site in December 2002. Not all is lost, only some.

Why haven't I recreated the whole deal yet? Simple answer there; I don't have access to the interweb from home yet, thanks to the useless telco extraordinaire of Denmark - TDC.

I finally managed to put in an order for a low end DSL-connection, which will hopefully be activated within a month. The month is just my guess, they don't give you any clues as to when they will see it fit to install it. After all, they needed 32 days to move the friggin' phoneline from my previous residence.

Until then, I scrounge connections where I find them; at school, at my parents house, in the streets [if somebody left their 802.11 wide open].

Since my last English post sometime in January, I've been up to moving, taking [and even passing some] exams, drinking some beers, kissing my girlfriend, and going to concerts. That pretty much sums it up. Then after drinking the beers, and I finished moving, I realised it would make my life prettier, more tolerable, and less burdensome, if I could hang with the in-crowd who says "I don't do any of those prewritten blog-tools, I've build my own shit.", so I did.

I still kiss my girlfriend, and I haven't quite finished the beers and concerts either. And that's the story so far. Welcome back.


LifeSucks | web / 0:02 / 7th of june / 2003

Det lyder som en grimmer tur. Trist, trist... har du slet ikke din side liggende på din egen harddisk? Jeg laver min offline og uploader så, dermed har jeg en slags backup.

I øvrigt er jeg meget ked af om du bliver en UK blog... men det er jo din afgørelse

~/j | web | @ / 12:28 / 7th of june / 2003

Det var ikke sjovt, og nu tager jeg backup, en gang om ugen, ad DB og hele sitet. Forhåbentlig skulle det minimere tabene hvis det sker igen.

Jeg bliver ikke en ren UK blog, det bliver en blandet landhandel, med lidt engelsk og lidt dansk (:

LifeSucks | web / 14:38 / 7th of june / 2003

Fint, så skal jeg nok kigge forbi... læser ikke én eneste blog på engelsk (bla fordi jeg ikke kan)

› Bio (sort of)

Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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