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Gigs of the fall 05.09.2007

Ok, I've gone nuts, but I can't help it. The venue listings are teeming with great shows this fall in Dublin. If you can't stand the weather, you can at least remain dry by going to gigs all the time, and that's what I intend to do. Here's what I've got tickets for so far (I apologise for touching the same topic in two posts in a row, but this is just too fantastic):

On top of that, De la Soul, David Holmes, and Madlib are on the posters around town as well... It's insanely great!

Oh, and Ardal O'Hanlon was great at The Olympia on Monday, I haven't laughed that much in ages!


Rasmus | web | @ / 13:17 / 23rd of september / 2007

Crazy Penis are now known as Crazy P for your information... :)

Jonas | web / 19:26 / 24th of september / 2007

I know, but I insist on calling them Crazy Penis still.

lurker / 16:53 / 9th of october / 2007

People like you make people like me feel reeeaaallllly out of touch with the music scene. Am seeing lots of gigs this autumn, but haven't heard of most of those on your list. (And there was me thinking I'm down with the kids.)

Jonas | web / 18:42 / 9th of october / 2007

Hey lurker, it's all good, most of them are groups or people I've heard of, but never seen before, and only have little knowledge of (Marlena Shaw, Lee Perry, Sweet Charles, Howe Gelb), but the rest of them I am certified fans of (:

I should write an entry on some of all the concerts that's already been there, and tonight it's time for Ani DiFranco. Will bring my camera as well.

Thanks for exiting lurking mode, don't be a stranger (;

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Bio is the personal website of me, Jonas Voss, and this is my blog. I've lived in Dublin, Ireland from 2005-10, currently live in London, and was born and fully customized in Copenhagen, Denmark. I write about anything that comes to mind. Really.
You can send me an email at my first name at my last name . co - if that's how you roll.

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